Showdown Read online


  a novel

  by Alexey Osadchuk



  Magic Dome Books


  Book #6: Showdown

  Copyright © Alexey Osadchuk 2021

  Cover Art © Valeria Osadchuk 2021

  Designer Vladimir Manyukhin

  English translation copyright © Andrew Schmitt 2021

  Published by Magic Dome Books, 2021

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN: 978-80-7619-290-4

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is entirely a work of fiction. Any correlation with real people or events is coincidental.

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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  I TOOK IN a satisfying lungful of air and, covering my eyes, exhaled slowly. A warm breeze was wafting in with the savory aromas of the forest. The giant sequoias swayed gently, crackling and rustling their branches. The city was back to its usual rhythms. The people were going about their business without concern. And there was no telling that the walls of Foreston had just suffered an attack by throngs of bloodthirsty fiends.

  I was aware that this lull would be very quickly followed by a storm. The Steel King would realize sooner or later that his plan had failed. Need it be said who will suffer all his wrath?

  While aware of all the danger of the present situation, strange as it may have been, I felt no fear. To be frank, I was done being afraid. With no exaggeration, I had become a different person. And no wonder. Few could compete with the sheer number of adventures that had befallen me over the last year. That was for sure… Most of the people I knew in what could now be called my past life, dwelled in cozy little homes and didn’t know the first thing about what was really going on in this world. And the world meanwhile had changed. I just so happened to have had a hand in those changes.

  Murk distracted me from the sudden flood of reflections.

  "We're ready!" he pronounced decisively. There was a look of firm resolve in the eyes of the albino and his other warriors.

  I examined the future Monster Hunters closely. Although why future? In fact they already were hunters, there was just one little thing left to attend to ― their induction ceremony.

  Tall and broad-shouldered ― the northerners stood out in comparison to other foxfolk. All outfitted with equipment from the Order's arsenal. Ugh, it would be nice to have a few hundred soldiers like them. An army of these foxfolk would be the envy of any king. But for now, I had just a dozen in my employ. I chuckled to myself. Oh well. I already had ideas for how to turn this squad into force to be reckoned with.

  Scrutinizing like a commander reviewing his troops, I examined each and every one. Two swordsmen standing behind Murk's broad back caught my attention.

  The pair were also northerners but were clearly outclassed by the other Fangs in terms of physique. At first I thought they were adolescents, but then it hit me. They were not male like the other warriors — these were warrior women. And based on the fact Murk had brought them here, they must have been proficient fighters.

  Following my gaze, Murk pronounced curtly:

  "This is Am… Amber."

  And she took a graceful step forward. In her green, slightly crossed eyes I read slight worry and seemingly hope. Her fluffy fox tail had a black spot on the tip and was curled around her right leg. Seemingly, despite her warlike appearance, this fox was quite anxious. I chuckled internally. Amber… A fitting name. In the beams of the sun, her light orange fur looked almost gilded.

  Based on the way the other warriors were looking at Amber, she was subject to lots of attention from the male population of Foreston. Honestly though, the hilts of the two curved blades poking out over her shoulders probably cooled the ardor of her most insistent admirers.

  I looked closer. Hm… So she isn't as plain as she seems. Level thirty, a sturdy frame, many scars on her body and more… The biggest surprise was that she had a magic supply containing just over two thousand points.

  Curious. I snorted thoughtfully and glanced at Murk. Not a sinew twitched on the Fang leader’s face. I was just able to catch a fleeting glint of pride in his eyes. As if to say, "look at this. We’ve also got a few tricks up our sleeve!"

  But as it turned out, the surprises weren't over. The second fox stepped out decisively from behind the albino. Her black fur was standing anxiously on end. But her azure blue eyes bore a distinct look of challenge. Based on the sloping scar on her right cheek, she was not accustomed to retreating. Unwittingly admiring her unusual black and white fur coloration, I tried to find an apt comparison. As if able to hear my thoughts, Murk said:

  "And this is Onyx."

  I chuckled to myself. Well of course! Onyx! A coal-black stone with veins of white.

  Noticing my smile, the black fox tilted her head slightly to the side and drolly flicked the white tips of her ears.

  Trying not to reveal my embarrassment, I switched to magic vision. Woah! Looks like we got ourselves another magess here!

  "Amber and Onyx only unlocked their magic supplies recently," Murk explained when he saw my reaction. "You might say we all worked together gathering tablets for them. They were already strong warriors, but now they can also provide magic support for you."

  "Me?" I asked in surprise.

  "We know that you are a great mage, and that your beast is always ready to come to your aid. But the head of an order should never be unprotected. Your life now is more valuable than ever. And the higher your chances of staying safe, the longer the whole order will last."

  I frowned.

  "And don't you worry about their small size," Murk took my reaction in his own way. "It's actually a good thing. Think about it. Anyone who might want to kill you will underestimate them. Onyx, for example, can always cover you with a magic shield, while Amber can go invisible. Take a look at her blades. While you defend, she can be out sowing death in the ranks of your enemies."

  Murk's warriors nodded in agreement to his every word. Hm… Looks like they've discussed ways the fox sisters could defend me a few times already. I’m not opposed personally, but there is one catch. Even if they all become Monster Hunters, who can guarantee my own guards won't stab me in the back? Beyond that, they will give Murk two pairs of eyes and ears. I of course understand that we've been through a lot together over the last few weeks, but it’s still just the beginning. Very soon, hopefully in the near future, the Order will start to grow and expand. Who knows whether my new wards will be able to overcome the temptation to take all those riches for themselves? I will doubtlessly take measures because thankfully the magisters of the Order have many tools at their disposal which, by the way, I still have yet to look through. But sooner or later, I'll have to select at least one magister from among this dozen. Might they then as a consequence, following their own self-interest, pull the comforter of power over to their side of the bed? I had already racked my brains over that question a few times.

  Seemingly, all my doubts were written on my face. The warriors started trading glances. The clearly were not expecting this reaction.

  My silence threatened to draw on. I didn't want to offend my allies by refusing, but I didn't want to keep potential Fang spies around me day and night either. Although, disregarding all the potential negatives, I did appreciate the offer.

  Unexpectedly, my prospective bodyguards proposed a solution themselves. With a glance and a short nod to one another, the warrior women took a decisive step forward and bowed their heads. Just then, a system message appeared before my eyes saying that Onyx and Amber wished to become my familiars.

  Based on the gaping looks on their tribesmen's faces, the warrior women’s action came as a surprise to them. But strange as it may have been, it didn't anger anyone. I glanced at the albino. He just shrugged his shoulders slightly and gave a short nod, recognizing the warriors' right to act as they saw fit.

  "Are you sure about this?" I asked.

  The magesses traded glances and responded almost with one voice:


  I chuckled to myself. Based on their darting glances, the rogues had already long since made up their minds. I was bothered by the fact that the foxes had done this without asking their commander. The prospect of gaining two unpredictable familiars had me somewhat afraid. But I was sure of one thing ― a familiar would never betray their master.

  "Well, if your minds are made up," I said. "Then let it be. I accept!"

  The warrior women shuddered at once, having received a notification that they would be under my authority from that point forward.

  I smiled openly and extended my hands to help them to their feet.

  Smiles played on their slightly baffled faces. To be frank, I didn't totally understand what they'd done. It all happened somehow too fast, too. But strange as it may have been, I was happy. My family had just gotten bigger. I had always wanted a sister. And now I had two.

  As not to delay the induction any further, I said:

  "Follow me."

  Surprisingly, there was no statue of Gunnar in Foreston. But there were bas-reliefs depicting ancient battles and notable events from the history of the Order of Monster Hunters. Almost every bas-relief had an image of the Order's founder on it. Honestly though, the anonymous craftsmen had depicted him as a ten-foot-tall giant as always. The first time I saw all these images, a theory occurred to me. What if that was how Gunnar looked when his avatar was active? Like in Fort Stout, it was a knight packed head-to-toe in an armor suit. I would be curious to see him in action.

  But there were other images as well. In the armory, I found a small fresco where Gunnar looked like the statue in Stonetown. He was standing proudly surrounded by a crowd with his hand raised high. It looked like he was addressing the people.

  I decided to conduct the induction ceremony next to that fresco. For some reason I just knew Gunnar would have approved.

  Leading the foxfolk over to the pre-arranged location, I turned and looked the aspiring Monster Hunters in the eye.

  "Let's begin," I started. "Come closer to the fresco. Remember! You must answer yes to all my questions."

  The warriors buzzed back approvingly.

  "Then approach when your turn comes."

  Murk was first to step my direction.

  "Murk of the foxfolk race, are you prepared to walk the Path of the Hunt?!" I recited loudly.

  "Yes!" the albino responded solemnly, the fur on the nape of his neck standing on end.

  "Do you choose to walk the Path of the Hunt of your own free will?!"

  "Yes!" Murk barked.

  "Do you have any proof of your intentions?!"

  The leader of the Fangs nodded and pulled two crystals from his pocket.

  Accepting the tribute, I proclaimed solemnly:

  "I see your intentions are serious! Your contribution to the cause of the Order of Monster Hunters has been deemed worthy! From this day forth, you shall be a brother of our order!"

  As soon as I said the last sentence, exactly the same as how Sly Redtail had inducted me, a message came before my eyes:

  ― Attention! You have successfully conducted an induction rite!

  ― Congratulations! You have brought the Order one thousand development points!

  ― Present value: 1000 (DP).

  ― Received:

  ― Large Ghostly Crystal (2).

  I must admit, the notification threw me off slightly. What are these development points? What are they used for? Looking closer, I noticed the words "development points" had a reddish glow. That could mean only one thing ― the system was telling me I could open a hint to learn more.

  Straining to pull my eyes from the message, I got myself together and continued the ceremony. With new information falling like snow in a blizzard, I could figure everything out later.

  I took a step forward, placed my right hand on Murk's shoulder and smiled openly:

  "Welcome, my brother!"

  My words were met with a concert of growls.

  Murk nodded shortly.

  "Thank you, my brother!"

  The induction ceremony lasted another hour. As it turned out, there was no need to be near a portal to raise one's reputation. There was another way. Crystals could be given as tribute to the magister for the Order’s development. I was learning a veritable cornucopia of new information. The system was basically bombarding me with more and more details. My heart is telling me I have a few sleepless nights ahead of me.

  When the Fangs had given me all their crystals, I received a notification saying that Murk had enough reputation for his first promotion. The Great System immediately asked whether I gave my approval to there being a new senior hunter.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I won't lie, I was quite bothered by the thought of promotions happening without my awareness. Even though I had changed the settings to disallow such things, I was worried until then. Now though I was fully convinced that I had everything under control.

  Solemnly declaring that the first senior Monster Hunter was already among us and hearing joyful cries from his new brothers at arms, I advised Murk not to rush choosing a Path. He understood and promised to wait so I could advise him. And now that the official part was over, everyone was champing at the bit to visit the armory and spend up their tokens. In the settings, I had already adjusted the number of goods in the arsenal for sale so there would be enough for everyone.

  When the newly minted hunters were all gone, I heard a knock at the door.

  I figured it must have been Pinebogey coming to congratulate the warriors. But I was wrong. When I opened the door, I saw four young foxfolk standing in the doorway. And I recognized them immediately. The young scions of the houses had come to pay me a visit. My gaze stopped on the familiar satchels hanging off their belts. There it is! The patriarchs don't want to let power slip through their fingers. And the satchels were quite bulky. Most likely, all the crystals in them were large. Well, well. Let's take a look…

  Seeing that I wasn't going to say anything, the tallest of the newcomers took the lead. He was an exact copy of his daddy ― Wintry Redpaw.

  "Sir Magister!" taking a small step forward, the lanky kid spoke in a dignified manner. "My name is Bram Redpaw. This is Lars Yelloweye, Gus Graymane and Kai Redtail."

  While introducing his fourth companion, a short gaunt little fox, the lanky kid couldn't hold back a scornful snicker.

  "What do you need then?" I asked, keeping the visitors on the doorstep.

  "First of all, we wanted to beg apologies for arriving late."

  "Late?" I asked in surprise though I understood what they were driving at.

  The lanky one was slightly thrown off and looked to his comrades for support. And they were all at a complete loss for words.

  "What are you saying?" Bram continued, quickly getting himself in hand. "We are here to be inducted into the Monster Hunters!"

  "Ah, that's what you mean," I drawled out. "But the induction is over."

  "What?!" the lanky kid exclaimed. "So soon? Let me ask you something. Who was inducted?"